Adoption Policy
At Rebel Reptiles, we are dedicated to doing everything in our power to find the best possible homes for all of our adoptable animals! This dedication has led us to developing guidelines for potential adopters in order to insure that the animal and their new home are totally compatible. First time adopters looking to take home their very first cold blooded friend from our organization are encouraged to submit an application. First time pet owners are welcome and we happily work with you to provide the best care possible! This form is filled out one time and remains in our records. If you have relinquished to our rescue before, you are still encouraged to fill out an application for an animal if you so desire. Relinquishing to us in the past does not necessarily prevent you from being able to adopt from us.Conditions of the relinquishment and information about the adopter and previously relinquished animal will determine the outcome of the attempt to adopt.
If your application is denied, we will tell you why and allow you to reapply in 3-6 months. Adopters MUST be over 18 years of age. If you are under 18, your parents or legal guardian must submit this form and appear at any and all adoptions.
Certain reptiles and amphibians require permits. You will have to show proof of these permits prior to individual adoptions or that adoption will be denied.
If it is discovered that you have not been truthful on this form, Rebel Reptiles has the right to decline your application and ban you from adoptions. Please, be truthful.
We look forward to helping you find your perfect pet!
Adoption Qualifications:
1.) All applicants must have full time employment. (Retired persons OK)
2.) We do not adopt out animals to anyone under 18 years of age. For parents adopting animals for their children, we consider the parent the applicant and the responsible party, therefore we will test their knowledge of the animal and its care.
3.) All applicants are legally responsible to provide sufficient financial and social integration to properly care for the animal.
4.) All applicants must be willing to properly care for an animal for the remainder of it's life, and provide all the appropriate accommodations and considerations. If an adopter can no longer keep an animal they have adopted from us, they must return it to Rebel Reptiles. Under no circumstances can the animal be sold, traded, given away, or released
5.) Anyone wishing to adopt an animal must be willing to email us 1-4 photos of the enclosure (cage) that the animal will be housed in. We require a picture of the entire cage, the lighting (UVB & heat light) and lid or cover on the enclosure. All pictures must be clear, and produced by yourself.
6.) Animals adopted from Rebel Reptiles are to be pets only and are never to be bred.
All applicants must meet with us in person and receive our approval prior to adoption.
We want these animals to go to the best homes possible, so if you come across as someone who is not socially responsible, you will not be approved.
(Adoption fees are non refundable)
Please review our adoption contract and consider these questions before you make your decision about adoption.
These questions are very important and help us determine the best possible home for the critters we love, and love to save. They may also help you to understand the ramifications of accepting such a pet into your home.
We thank you sincerely, for considering opening your home and your heart to save one of these wonderful critters!